This document serves as the IRISCC’s Innovation Management plan, designated as D1.3. It outlines the specific measures the project will employ for innovation, but also engagement among stakeholders. These measures aim to ensure the project’s maximum impact, both throughout its duration and beyond.
In order to guarantee the IRISCC project’s utilisation in accordance with the Grant Agreement, the innovation management system and all of its associated plans and processes activities are described in this deliverable. The deliverable describes how the context will be evaluated, how the main exploitable findings and results will be gathered, and how the relevant exploitation and business planning activities will be monitored. Target groups and project stakeholders will be included in conjunction with the Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication plan to maximise and guarantee project uptake.
The primary processes, role templates, information to be gathered, plan and timeframe for implementing the system, baseline, and early progress from the first few months are all described in this document together with the innovation management system.
Follow-up progress will be presented as a component of the D1.5 IRISCC policy brief I, and its updates, as well as in reports and white papers.
This Deliverable is currently under EC review.