Bundke, Ulrich (FZJ) Schaap, Dick (MARIS), Krijger, Tjerk (MARIS)

Analysis report of D4Science VRE fitness for purpose and adaptations required

Lead: FZJ

This Deliverable D6.2 demonstrates the benefits using the framework of D4Science for the IRISCC Demonstrators. It elaborates a roadmap to onboard and host the IRISCC Demonstrators. The IRISCC Project will develop and integrate a wide range of tools and resources, enabling researchers to effectively manage, analyse, and visualise climate data. The public Deliverables D6.2 and D4.1 (Report on the full Demonstrator design) together provide input for setting-up a series of joint IRISCC WP4-WP6 Workshops, starting on October 2024.

Overall, D6.2 has delivered a valuable resource for the IRISCC demonstrator development. Based on the framework of D4science. The resulting Virtual Research Environment (VRE) will continue to evolve and expand its capabilities to meet the evolving needs of researchers and policymakers even beyond the IRISCC Project, building upon the foundation established in this deliverable.

The deliverable is currently under EC’s review.