How We Work

IRISCC tackles climate change risks by working hand-in-hand with users and stakeholders. Our three-pillar approach ensures you're at the center of everything we do.
IRISCC website-how we work

Three Pillars

IRISCC delivers on its ambitious goals through three key actions:

This pillar ensures user-centric service development through co-creation and collaboration. Activities include communications & engagement campaigns, workshops, training, and knowledge sharing to build capacity and ensure wide-ranging impact. 

This pillar focuses on integrating existing capabilities across RIs. It accomplishes this through “Demonstrators” covering various climate change risks, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. 

This pillar makes integrated services accessible through the IRISCC Catalogue of Services. The Catalogue offers a range of access options, from virtual access to on-site visits, catering to diverse user needs. 

Work Packages


Communication, dissemination, engagement, and exploitation management

  • T1.1: Project Communication and Dissemination strategy and its implementation
  • T1.2: Stakeholder mapping and engagement
  • T1.3: Promotion of the IRISCC Catalogue of services
  • T1.4: Innovation Management and Exploitation
  • T1.5: Landscape analysis and strategic position of the Research Infrastructures

Co-design of IRISCC integrated knowledge services

  • T2.1: Development of the overall concept for co-design of integrated Knowledge Services
  • T2.2: Co-design activities on IRISCC integrated Knowledge Services with users, stakeholders, and
  • T2.3: Testing with potential users the co-designed services and validation of services for implementation

Knowledge exchange and training of service providers and users of IRISCC services

  • T3.1: IRISCC Training and Knowledge Exchange Plan
  • T3.2: Training modules for climate change risk capacity building
  • T3.3: Nurturing European R&I capacity with transferable skills
  • T3.4: Ensuring continuous capacity building on exploitation of RI services beyond the project

Delivering integrated IRISCC Scientific Services

  • T4.1: Defining the conditions for Demonstrators to successful implementation with KPIs
  • T4.2: Providing the necessary set of climate risk model output supporting Demonstrators
  • T4.3: Implementing the Demonstrators
  • T4.4: Assessing maturity level for upscaling the integrated services

 Implementation of IRISCC-integrated Knowledge Services

  • T5.1: Integrated Knowledge Service development
  • T5.2: Integrated Knowledge Service implementation
  • T5.3: Integrated Knowledge Service assessment

Integrated Knowledge Service Assessment

  • T6.1: Harmonisation of access policies and procedures to IRISCC digital services
  • T6.2: Harmonisation of procedures for transnational access
  • T6.3: Formulating and deploying a technical interoperability and FAIRness framework to support
  • T6.4: Designing and implementing a test procedure for integrated IRISCC services
  • T6.5: Arranging a gateway from IS-ENES VRE to the IRISCC e-infra platform for providing access
  • T6.6: Ensuring full interoperability and exchange with EOSC
  • T6.7: Options and conditions for future integration of RI services with e-infrastructures

IRISCC Catalogue of Services

  • T7.1: Co-design of IRISCC Catalogue of services
  • T7.2: Validation and enhancement of the integrated and customised services for the IRISCC
  • T7.3: Establishment of the strategic Access Programme for access to climate change risk services of
  • T7.4: Ensuring the sustainability of the IRISCC Catalogue of services and service provision beyond

IRISCC TA and VA Access Management

  • T8.1: Centralized TA management
  • T8.2: Centralized Virtual Access management
  • T8.3: Transnational and virtual access related service user and service provider support
  • T8.4: Access provision monitoring and evaluation

VA01 – Virtual access provision for climate change risk services

  • T9.1: Interactions with RIs and centralized VA management system
  • T9.2: Virtual access to R1 services
  • T9.3: Virtual access to R2 Scientific Services
  • T9.4: Virtual access to Integrated Knowledge Service (R3) service

TA01 Transnational access provision for climate change risk services

  • T10.1: Providing TA and remote TA access to platforms across relevant RIs in IRISCC
  • T10.2: Linking between IRISCC activities and individual platforms

Project management

  • T11.1: Project organisation and governance
  • T11.2: Communication with project partners, EC, and REA
  • T11.3: Day-to-day project management, monitoring the quality of the project performance and
  • T11.4: Ethics, ecological and societal responsibility, and research data management