

IRISCC Demonstrators are pilot projects that showcase the potential of combining data and expertise from various research infrastructures.

IRISCC is building a bridge between existing environmental research infrastructures and the critical need for actionable solutions in climate change risk research. 

IRISCC website-Demonstrators

Why are Demonstrators Important?

  • Tailored Solutions: They create value-added services that directly address specific climate risk areas. 
  • Improved User Experience: Demonstrators make sophisticated data and analysis tools more accessible to researchers and decision-makers. 
  • Building the Future: The insights gained from these projects will guide the development of a sustainable and scalable service portfolio within IRISCC. 

Demonstrator 1

Risk on human health in urban areas during heatwaves associated with deteriorated air quality

Challenges: Summer periods in Europe have become synonymous with extreme heat and poor air quality (AQ). The combination of both hazards can be particularly deadly.

Solutions: The demonstrator makes available and integrates air-quality (AQ) relevant data (e.g., ozone, fine particles, black carbon, oxidative stress potential of particles, chemical composition from ACTRIS, IAGOS) and administrative health-related data sets, such as hospital data from EXPANSE health data hub (hosted by University of Utrecht) and from ELAPSE project in EIRENE for selected pilot cities of Athens, Barcelona, and Paris.

Outcomes: Access to AQ and health data through a single access point using an evolution of the EXPANSE health data hub and connecting that to the IRISCC Catalogue of services linking through the EIRENE FAIR DataPortal. Target users are academics, public authorities, relevant sectors (e.g., urban planners, construction, housing, health), and the public.

Replicability: The service will be offered for testing through IRISCC virtual access; replicability and upscaling of the services feasible for other challenges integrating data from environment and health RIs.

Demonstrator 2

Risk on coastal regions due to flooding caused by sea-level rise and storm surges

Challenges: Coastal flooding is a threatening hazard that causes damages in tens of billions of dollars per year. Worldwide, the number of people and economic assets exposed to flooding in the low-lying coastal zone are increasing, while the frequency and intensity of this hazard are aggravated by climate change, causing sea level rise and changes in storminess.

Solutions: Environmental in situ data, Earth Observation (EO) data (remote sensing) and derived information, and socio-economic data can advance capabilities for coastal flooding risk analyses. In IRISCC, a Jupyter notebook will be developed to facilitate the assessment of flooding in coastal areas due to storms in combination with long-term sea-level rise due to climate change.

Outcomes: The service will allow the user to run and assess several scenarios of storm surges, sea level rise, and climate change for their impact on flooding, using the existing geometry and varying geometry and vegetation, etc.

Replicability: The Jupyter Notebook will provide a scalable and transferable solution that can be configured and operated by researchers. The service is flexible and can be used worldwide for different scenarios.

Demonstrator 3

Risk on terrestrial ecosystems functioning and services due to droughts and heatwaves

Challenges: Global warming has increased the frequency, intensity, and duration of hydro-meteorological extreme events, which has led to major impacts on the functioning and service provisioning of terrestrial ecosystems.

Solutions: This demonstrator will link the water and the carbon cycle through water use efficiency. To achieve this, two model systems will be assessed with data from eLTER, ICOS, and AnaEE.

Outcomes: The new data products will provide necessary information about the terrestrial ecosystem state and its evolution under drought and heatwave conditions, thereby enabling the development of decisions and strategies to mitigate the risk, e.g., through a decreasing of the vulnerability of the ecosystems.

Replicability: This demonstrator will serve as a service prototype provided with a high degree of operationalisation,enabling its replicability and transformation into a fully operational service for forecasting ecosystem function.

Demonstrator 4

Risk on marine ecosystems biodiversity, functioning and services caused by ocean acidification, warming and deoxygenation

Challenges: Ocean acidification, warming and deoxygenation as slow onset processes are some of the major causes of marine biodiversity decline and alteration of the coastal marine ecosystems functioning and services. Meanwhile, the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the aquatic environment not only alters the chemical properties of the water, but impacts the physiology and metabolism of marine organisms, the population dynamics and the structure of aquatic communities, with likely effects on marine food webs and the carbon biogeochemical cycle.

Solutions: This demonstrator will design a new integrated IRISCC service combining the unique RI expertise in marine ecology and environmental sciences of EMBRC with the long-term data from ICOS and SeaDataNet.

SeaDataNet will contribute validated chemical data collections of aggregated datasets from EMODnet Chemistry and DIVAnd software; EMBRC together with LifeWatch services will facilitate Species Distribution Modelling projections via its Bio-ORACLE pipeline; and eLTER will contribute observational data on long-term changes in aquatic ecosystems.

Outcomes: As a result, the following outcomes are foreseen: 1) the effect on marine ecosystem biodiversity, functioning and services, 2) the effects of mitigation strategies of climate change in the ocean, 3) experimentally determined model parameters that can be used in climate change models for adaptation and mitigation.

Replicability: The demonstrator showcases service designed experiments deployed in 4 different oceanic locations representing 4 different supersites (EMBRC stations in the Baltic Sea, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea).

Demonstrator 5

Risk on food security due to multi-hazard risks (pests, floods, drought, heatwaves)

Challenges: Ongoing climate change poses a number of risks to food security through drought and heat waves. Furthermore, slow-onset processes also bring changes in the incidence of biotic hazards and new occurrences of invasive pests, diseases, and weed species in agriculture.

Solutions: The integration of data from observational research (ICOS, eLTER), climate manipulation experiments (AnaEE), and airborne or satellite remote sensing. Results obtained by integrating experimental and analytical platforms and understanding risk factor interactions will be built based on the portal .

Outcomes: AgroRisk portal connected to the IRISCC service portfolio and supplemented with new models and parameters combining different types of risks, validated for the territory of the Czech Republic and tested in Finland, Austria, and Slovakia.

Replicability: The integrated IRISCC service linking to the AgroRisk portal will provide a scalable and transferable solution for risk forecasting in agriculture and short-term weather forecast for the next 5-10 days and the necessary validation in the case of the occurrence of specific biotic risks.


Demonstrator 6

Risk on multiple systems (human health, environmental matrices, and socio-economic sectors) due to wildfires in Europe

Challenges: Large, intensive, and long-lasting fires pose direct risks for ecosystems and societies, as well as via air pollution to human health and ecosystems in surrounding areas. Wildfire plumes can travel long distances, transporting gases and aerosols in the troposphere and sometimes depositing to the surface even at thousands of kilometres from the source.

Solutions: The wildfire demonstrator will set up a system for alerting the RIs about large forest fires, which triggers Near Real Time (NRT) data provision of specific relevant data from the RIs e.g. CO2, isotopes, and aerosol, on the ground and in the atmospheric column, and from airborne measurements. All data will be compiled and visualised together with atmospheric model (FLEXPART) back trajectories and forecasts, providing a 4-d (time & space) distribution of the wildfire’s emissions.

Outcomes: The main outcome of the demonstrators is providing information of wildfires plume distribution in 4-d. The demonstrator outcome will be useful as a diagnostics tool for Copernicus. Finally, this collection of wildfires information will form the scientific basis for the evaluation of the impacts of such events.

Replicability: The demonstrator is provided by the RIs (ACTRIS, IAGOS, ICOS). Methods developed in the demonstrator can be applied elsewhere and beyond the project framework.