Updated 20/01/2025

Call for expression of interest to volunteer as a peer reviewer for the IRISCC Transnational Access

Help IRISCC by volunteering to review Transnational Access (TA) proposals in your area of expertise.

The IRISCC – Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change Risks project invites volunteer experts — scientists, academicians, and other professionals in the fields of natural sciences, earth and related environmental sciences, atmospheric sciences, climatology, climatic changes and social sciences — to become members of the IRISCC International Assessment Panel, which is established for the fair merit review of the users’ TA applications.


IRISCC is a consortium of diverse and complementary leading research infrastructures (RIs). It aims to enhance society’s capacity to address and strengthen resilience to climate change risks by providing transnational and virtual access to integrated RI services offered by complementary and interdisciplinary cutting-edge European and national RIs, including observatories, experimental facilities, modelling, and data infrastructures.

The International Assessment Panel (IAP) is the project’s consolidated source of reviewers from which experts are drawn to serve on review panels for the single access proposals received under the 7 calls for TA published during the project. The panel size shall guarantee an appropriate balance of the workload for each expert, ensuring that reviewers are asked to evaluate a fair and reasonable number of proposals per year.

All members of the IAP act in an honorary capacity. They guarantee that the TA proposals submitted by users are selected based on an expert, sound, fair, and transparent assessment.

IAP membership is diverse. Applications from candidates with different skills, experience, gender, and from all geographic regions are welcome. The working language is English.

Contact us

IRISCC WP8 TA Management Team

ACTRIS SAMU – Service and Access Management Unit CNR, Italy

IRISCC Coordination and Project Office team

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)